
Lena Dunham pede desculpas após piada sobre aborto

Após falar sobre a opção de aborto em tom de piada em um podcast lançado recentemente, a atriz Lena Dunham, conhecida por criar a série Girls, da HBO, voltou atrás e pediu desculpas depois de inúmeras críticas a sua declaração.

“As minhas palavras foram ditas a partir dessa persona que eu interpreto, uma garota que varia entre sabedoria e ignorância (algo que também ocorre no show) e não funcionou. Eu assumo a culpa. Eu jamais iria banalizar intencionalmente os desafios físicos e emocionais de um aborto. Meu único objetivo é aumentar a consciência e diminuir qualquer estigma.”

“Eu meio que respondi no impulso. Não fiz um aborto”, disse atriz sobre seu comentário anterior. “Queria deixar claro para ela que, apesar de eu estar lá fora lutando pelo direito de outras mulheres terem diferentes opções, eu mesma nunca tinha abortado.”

Meryl Streep, Lena Dunham e mais estrelas aparecem em vídeo contra assédio sexual

My latest podcast episode was meant to tell a multifaceted story about reproductive choice in America, to explain the many reasons women do or don’t choose to have children and what bodily autonomy really means. I’m so proud of the medley of voices in the episode. I truly hope a distasteful joke on my part won’t diminish the amazing work of all the women who participated. My words were spoken from a sort of “delusional girl” persona I often inhabit, a girl who careens between wisdom and ignorance (that’s what my TV show is too) and it didn’t translate. That’s my fault. I would never, ever intentionally trivialize the emotional and physical challenges of terminating a pregnancy. My only goal is to increase awareness and decrease stigma. I take reproductive choice in America more seriously than I take literally anything else, and therefore own full responsibility for any words I speak that don’t convey this truth clearly. I know plenty of people will never like a thing that leaves my lips, mea culpas or no, but this apology is for the women who have placed their trust in me. You mean everything to me. My life is and always will be devoted to reproductive justice and freedom. You know how in some households you curse and have to put money in a jar? Well in mine, if you mess up your pro-choice messaging you have to give a sizable donation to abortion funds (https://abortionfunds.org/need-abortion) in New York, Texas and Ohio 💰I look forward to fighting with you all for the next four years and beyond.

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