
Ex de Robert Pattinson, cantora FKA Twifs revela que tirou seis tumores do útero

A cantora FKA Twigs, conhecida também como a ex-noiva do ator Robert Pattinson, revelou que tirou seis tumores cancerígenos do útero recentemente.

“Foi excruciante”, disse em comunicado aos fãs. A cantora ainda afirma que cirurgia a deixou se sentindo “realmente sozinha”.

Os miomas retirados de seu útero pesavam o equivalente a um feto de seis meses. “Eu tentei ser corajosa, mas, para ser sincera, comecei a duvidar se meu corpo voltaria a ser o mesmo”, contou.

Jane Fonda revela que retirou tumor canceroso do lábio

“Eu fiz a cirurgia em dezembro e fiquei com tanto medo, apesar de muito amor de amigos e familiares, eu me senti realmente sozinha e minha confiança como mulher foi quebrada”, continuou.

“Hoje, dançando com a minha amiga Kelly na Coreography House, eu me senti forte novamente, pela primeira vez em muito tempo. Obrigada ao meu incrível corpo por se curar”, completou ainda.

No vídeo, Twigs aparece fazendo a sensual coreografia que a devolveu parte de sua confiança – confira:

dear friends, I am a very private person as u all know and I have gone back and forth in my mind whether to share that this year I have been recovering from laparoscopic surgery to remove 6 fibroid tumours from my uterus. the tumours were pretty huge, the size of 2 cooking apples 🍎 🍎, 3 kiwis 🥝 🥝 🥝 and a couple of 🍓🍓. a fruit bowl of pain everyday. the nurse said that the weight and size was like being 6 months pregnant. I tried to be brave but it was excruciating at times and to be honest I started to doubt if my body would ever feel the same again. I had surgery in December and I was so scared, despite lots of love from friends and family I felt really alone and my confidence as a woman was knocked. but… today whilst dancing with Kelly at the choreography house I felt like my strong self again for the first time in a while and it was magical. thank you precious body for healing, thank you for reminding me to be kind to myself, you are a wonderful thing, now go create and be other once again <3 I know that a lot of women suffer from fibroid tumours and I just wanted to say after my experience that you are amazing warriors and that you are not alone. you can get through this. and with this I let go of the pain… love always twigs 🌱

Uma publicação compartilhada por FKAtwigs (@fkatwigs) em

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