
Katherine Heigl recria foto nua com marido para celebrar 10 anos de casamento

A atriz Katherine Heigl, conhecida por muitos como a Izzy de Grey’s Anatomy, achou uma forma bem curiosa para celebrar seu aniversário de 10 anos de casamento.

Após encontrar uma foto que tirou com o então namorado Josh Kelley em 2005, na qual ambos aparecem nus, ela resolveu recriar a foto na atualidade.

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Heigl aparece em uma banheira na foto de 2005, com um cigarro na mão – esse é um dos detalhes que muda na foto de 2017, conta a atriz: “Graças a Deus, desde então parei de fumar”. Kelley, por sua vez, trocou a taça de vinho por um copo de cerveja.

“Eu também engordei um pouquinho”, brinca Heigl na legenda da foto. “O que não mudou, no entanto, foi meu desejo de estar com esse homem. Não vou mentir, houve momentos em que achei que não íamos conseguir, mas quanto mais tempo eu passo com ele, mais entendo que ele é o melhor de mim”.

So when @joshbkelley and I had been dating a few months or so we took the first totally random #royaltenenbaums esq photo. Last night 12 years later we took a second one to commemorate our 10 year wedding anniversary. Yup, 10 years people! A few things have changed since then. I quit smoking, thank God! I’ve put on a few pounds. I don’t often do spontaneously weird things like take random bathtub photos in the middle of the night anymore. But what hasn’t changed, is that burning desire in me to be with this man. I gotta be honest. There have been moments where I didn’t think we’d make it. Where I wanted to take my pillow and smother him in the middle of the night. But I’ll tell you what. The more time I spend with this guy the more deeply I begin to understand that he is the best of me. When the whole world falls into disarray and nothing makes sense to me he is my shelter, my safe harbor. When self doubt and self loathing creep into my soul he is my champion, my number one fan. He has bolstered my spirits more times than I can count and he has led me through the darkness back into the light even more times than that. In quiet moments of reflection I feel an overwhelming gratitude that I married this man. This man with his giant, compassionate heart. His laugh so hard I cry sense of humor. His passion and positivity. His talent and drive. His broad chested, sexy “ I got this” attitude. His joyful, unconditionally loving parenting style. I don’t think there’s a person who’s met him that doesn’t love him and I get to call him mine. He makes me better in every way by loving me and believing in me and for never giving up on me. So here’s to 10, 20, 40 more years of us! I love you @joshbkelley more than you can probably imagine and then some! #10thweddinganniversary #We’reStillTogether!

Uma publicação compartilhada por KatherineHeigl (@katherineheigl) em

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