
Grey's Anatomy | April e Arizona dividem fotos de seu último dia no set

Com a aproximação do episódio final da 14ª temporada de Grey’s Anatomy, duas estrelas de longa data do drama médico se preparam para uma despedida sentida.

O EW capturou as atrizes Sarah Drew (Dra. April) e Jessica Capshaw (Dra. Arizona) postando fotos do último dia de filmagens, ao lado de colegas de elenco como Jesse Williams, Kelly McCreary, Caterina Scorsone e Kevin McKidd.

“Foi horrível ser obrigada a deixar minha família pelos últimos nove anos”, escreveu Drew em uma longa legenda. Eu sempre descrevo minha experiência nos últimos dois meses como ‘receber uma bomba de amor’. Os abraços, as cartas, os tuites, os aviões (!), tudo me fez me sentir muito amada. Nos dias antes de ir embora, me senti bombardeada de amor, e me sinto muito grata por tudo”.

Capshaw optou por uma legenda bem mais simples: “Família. Respeito. Amor”.

Grey’s Anatomy | Geena Davis vai retornar para a série após três anos

O episódio final das, intitulado “All of Me”, vai ao ar em 17 de maio.

O capítulo marcará também outro evento importante: o aguardadíssimo casamento de Jo e Alex – confira foto.

Here are some of my favorite people on the planet. While shooting this scene my heart was so full of joy and sadness at the same time that it was almost unbearable. As I was looking up at all of these beautiful faces, smiling down at me with so much love, happy to see April alive and well, I was overcome with sadness about the reality of not being with all of these people in the same place in the same way ever again. But, I was ALSO overcome with the joy of having had the opportunity in my life to know such gorgeous people whom I have loved, who have loved me so well for 9 years. During a break in the scene, I felt the tears coming and I looked over and made eye contact with Caterina and Chandra and they whisked me away and let me feel my feelings all over them. It was such a sweet moment of friendship. What I keep experiencing since the moment I was let go, is the tremendous joy that is present in the midst of my sorrow. It felt horrible to be asked to leave my family of 9 years, and I have experienced real, deep grief over it, BUT I have ALSO been so buoyed up by my cast, my crew, the fans, and my family in such extraordinary ways, that I wouldn’t trade any moment of it for the world. I keep describing my experience over the last two months as being “love-bombed” because between the conversations, the hugs, the letters, the tweets, the plane(!), that’s truly what I’ve felt. Love-bombed. In the wake of being let go, I’ve been overwhelmed with gratitude, and I’ve felt profoundly loved. I am so humbled and so thankful. Get ready for so many more pics and love notes next week. ❤️❤️❤️

Uma publicação compartilhada por Sarah (@thesarahdrew) em

Family. Respect. Love.

Uma publicação compartilhada por Jessicaapshaw (@jessicacapshaw) em

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