
Friday Night Lights | Elenco se reúne cinco anos após fim da série; veja fotos

Cinco após o fim de Friday Night Lights, o elenco se reencontrou nesta sexta-feira (10) durante o ATX Television Festival, em Austin, no Texas, onde a série era filmada.

Compareceram ao evento: Connie Britton (Tami Taylor), Gaius Charles (“Smash” Williams), Scott Porter (Jason Street), Adrianne Palicki (Tyra Collette), Matt Lauria (Luke Cafferty), Brad Leland (Buddy Garrity), Jesse Plemons (Landry Clarke), Louanne Stephens (Mrs. Saracen), Stacey Oristano (Mindy Riggins, née Collette), Derek Phillips (Billy Riggins), Dora Madison (Becky Sproles), Jeff Rosick (Buddy Jr.), Liz Mikel (Corrina Williams), Grey Damon (Hastings Ruckle), Katherine Willis (Joanne Street), Libby Villari (Mayor Rodell), Barry Tubb (Tom Cafferty), Stephanie Hunt (Devin Boland), Kevin Rankin (Herc), Lee Stringer (Bull Stroles), David Born (Superintendent Paul Dunley) e o produtor executivo Jason Katims.

Veja as fotos da reunião do elenco de FNL, divulgadas nas redes sociais dos atores:

#Crucifictorius concert, with Grandma Saracen on the tambourine! #FNL #fnltailgate @atxfestival

A photo posted by Anna Marie Smith (@annamarrr) on

Go Panthers! We’re here at their real field for the #FridayNightLights tailgate @atxfestival #atxtvs5

A photo posted by Entertainment Weekly Radio (@ewlive) on

Texas forever, y’all #fridaynightlights #atxtvs5 @atxfestival

A photo posted by Entertainment Weekly Radio (@ewlive) on

I Tami Taylor #FNLTailgate #atxtvs5 #conniebritton #cleareyesfullheartscantlose #texasforever @jnentrn

A video posted by Alma E. Hernandez (@almaehdz) on

Tami Taylor, y’all. Just beyond. : @jackieleeyoung for @texasmonthly. #FNLTailgate #ATXTVs5 #TexasForever

A photo posted by Catherine Cody (@catherine_cody) on

Give us guidance, Tami. @conniebritton surprises fans at the @atxfestival #FridayNightLights pep rally! #atxtvs5

A video posted by Entertainment Weekly Radio (@ewlive) on

HEY Y’ALL @conniebritton #tamitaylor #cleareyes #fullhearts #CANTLOSE

A photo posted by Rachel Rose Greenfield Davis (@rachgreendavis) on

We’ve got full hearts for Jason Street #FridayNightLights #atxtvs5 @atxfestival

A video posted by Entertainment Weekly Radio (@ewlive) on

A photo posted by Darron Davis (@darrondavis) on

#TexasForever #fnltailgate

A video posted by Kristina Doyle (@kristinadoyle) on

Aclamada pela crítica, Friday Night Lights teve cinco temporadas e 76 episódios produzidos entre os anos 2006 e 2011. Vencedor de 3 Emmys, o drama acompanhava a rotina e as tribulações de jogadores adolescentes de futebol numa pequena cidade do Texas.

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